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PBK ARCHIVE - Soul-mate / Body-mate

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:03 am    Post subject: PBK ARCHIVE - Soul-mate / Body-mate

Dear pbk brothers.

What is the difference between Soul-mate & Body-mate.

Views of my pbk brothers are awaited.

ok om shanti----shivsena.


PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:47 pm    Post subject:

Soul mate is one whom you love and with whom your sanskars also match. Body mate is the one with whom you may be living in any kind of relationship (like husband and wife or any other relationship) without any similarity in sanskars, thoughts etc. Ever since the copper age souls have had many body mates without the similarities in sanskars. And this gave rise to the rising tensions in families and in society.
Now in the confluence age Baba teaches us to make the supreme soul as our soul mate. The more pure our relationship with the supreme soul, the more unadulterated and peaceful will be our relationships with the soul mates in the heaven and hell. Baba says in the advance knowledge that on the basis of the unadulterated relationship with the supreme soul in the confluence age we will get the same soul mate for the 21 births in heaven, although the sex will change in each birth. The soul which is male in the first birth will become female in the next birth and vice-versa.
With regards,
On Godly service,

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:18 am    Post subject: soul-mate

Dear arjuna bhai.
Thanks for your views.

What i want to know is that---does your 21 births partner (soul-mate) for 2500 years become your body-mate in any of the 63 births in copper age and iron age-----and vice versa.

ok om shanti---shivsena.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:24 pm    Post subject:

Dear Shivsena bhai,
Omshanti. I feel that there is every possibility of the 21 births partner (soul mate) for 2500 years can also become life partner in some of the births in the Copper and Iron ages also. However, it would be better to seek Baba's opinion also in this regard. I am sending a copy of your questions to Baba for his reply.
With regards,
On Godly service,

PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:31 pm    Post subject:

Om shanti Bhais,

Yes, this is a very interesting discussion.

However isn't Baba to be ones husbuand or wife?

Take care,

PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 7:14 am    Post subject:

papaya wrote:
Om shanti Bhais,

Yes, this is a very interesting discussion.

However isn't Baba to be ones husbuand or wife?

Take care,

Dear papaya bhai.

As per my churning BABA never adorns a female body in any of the 63 births----as Baba has many times said that Baba never becomes a sajni---he is always 'sajan' in sangamyug---so during the shooting period if Baba does not have any female characteristic then it becomes obvious that he will never take a female body in 63 births.
Also Ram's soul is 'Father of Humanity' and represents the sky--and i see no female sanskars in Ram's soul---so i feel that Ram's soul will always play part in the male costume in 63 births----also i cannot imagine Ram's soul to play the role of a submissive wife to any soul from copper age----many pbks may not agree with my observation-----but i feel that Maa and Rambap are exceptions to the rule and the rules are applicable only to the children and not to mother(earth) and Father(sky).

ok---om shanti---shivsena

PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 10:39 pm    Post subject:

om shanti---shivsena,

When few sisters refused to surrender to the yagya due to attachment to their lokik mothers, Rambap told them that He is their mother too. By saying that "I'm your mother too", then definitely Rambap will take a female body in few of the 63 births. Our thoughts, words and actions that occurs in the shooting period will be reflected in the broad drama of 5000 years.

om shanti---peeu

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:05 am    Post subject:

peeu wrote:
om shanti---shivsena,

When few sisters refused to surrender to the yagya due to attachment to their lokik mothers, Rambap told them that He is their mother too. By saying that "I'm your mother too", then definitely Rambap will take a female body in few of the 63 births. Our thoughts, words and actions that occurs in the shooting period will be reflected in the broad drama of 5000 years.

om shanti---peeu

Dear peeu.

That is where most pbks do not understand who spoke these words----when there are 3 souls in Ram's body---we have to think who spoke these words---in one recent cassette baba says that if we cannot understand who is speaking to whom and at what time---then we are not understanding the roles of different souls in Ram's body-----so when it is said that "i am your mother too"---it means that krishna's soul who played the role of brahma is saying that ''i am your mother'' and when he says that "i am your Father"--it means that Ram's soul is playing the role of Father-----and that is the conbined form of mother-father which is remembered in bhakti as "ardh-nari-ishwar"---meaning that both mother and Father are in the same body and we pbks must have the eye to differentiate their roles----if we do not see the roles differently then we are still in bhakti-marg where it is said that "tamewa mata--tameva pita"---but to understand how He is mata-pita we have to have the third eye of knowledge.

ok om shanti---shivsena.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 5:40 am    Post subject:

om shanti---shivsena

maya ravan doesn't leave anyone. For Rambap not to have any female births in any of the 63 births is not to be defeated by ravan in sangamyug. But it can't be so. If Rambap never gets defeated by ravan, then why it is said that Ram failed. To be defeated by ravan, is to have female births. Male personalities always use the intellect and to use the intellect is not to get defeated by ravan.

shivsena, when i had a personal meeting with Baba two years ago, i asked baba whether the Ram personality who is the hero actor of the world drama, takes any female costume in any of the 63 births. Baba replied that Ram does take female costume in the 63 births. Baba continued by saying that beads of the rudra rosary are having male nature so they will take more male births and less female births.

om shanti---peeu

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:10 am    Post subject:

Omshanti. Following are the questions raised by some members on the above mentioned subject and the approved reply received from Baba:

Prashna : Aatma ke companion aur shareeer ke companion may kya antar hai?

Uttar: Aatma ka companion vah hai jisko aap pyaar kartey hain aur jis say aapke sanskaar miltey hain.

Shareeer ka companion vah hai jiskay saath aap rahtey ho ya sambandhi ho (jaisey pati-patni ya koi anya samband) lekin sanskaaron, vichaaron, aadi may koi samaanata nahi hai. Dwapar say aatmaon ke kayi shaaririk saathi rahey hain, lekin sanskaaron may koi samaanata nahi thi. Aur iskay kaaran parivaaron aur samaaj may tension badhtey rahey.-----JO JANM JANMANTAR ATMA KI SATHI HONGE , SAMAN SANSKAR VALE WO SARIR SE BHI SATHI HOSAKTE HAI .

Ab sangam par baba hamey parmatma ko aatmik saathi banana sikhaata hai. Parmatma ke saath hamaara sambandh jitna pavitra hoga utna hi swarga aur narka may apney aatmik saathiyon ke saath hamaara sambandh pavitra aur shaantipoorna hoga. Advance gyaan may Baba bataatey hain ki sangam par Parmatma ke saath hamaarey pavitra sambandh ke aadhaar par hamey swarga may 21 janmon ke liye ek hi aatmik saathi milega, haalanki har janma may choley ka ling parivartan hota rahega. Pehley janma may jo aatma purush hogi vah agley janma may stree banegi aur isee taraha ultey kram may hoga.

Question: What is the difference between Soul-mate & Body-mate.

Answer: Soul mate is one whom you love and with whom your sanskars also match.

Body mate is the one with whom you may be living in any kind of relationship (like husband and wife or any other relationship) without any similarity in sanskars, thoughts etc. Ever since the copper age souls have had many body mates without the similarities in sanskars. And this gave rise to the rising tensions in families and in society. ----- THOSE WHO ARE THE COMPANIONS OF A SOUL FOR MANY BIRTHS, WITH SIMILARITY OF RESOLVES, CAN ALSO BE PHYSICAL COMPANIONS.

Now in the confluence age Baba teaches us to make the supreme soul as our soul mate. The more pure our relationship with the supreme soul, the more unadulterated and peaceful will be our relationships with the soul mates in the heaven and hell. Baba says in the advance knowledge that on the basis of the unadulterated relationship with the supreme soul in the confluence age we will get the same soul mate for the 21 births in heaven, although the sex will change in each birth. The soul which is male in the first birth will become female in the next birth and vice-versa.

Prashna : Mai yah jaanana chaahta hoon ki kya jo aatma 2500 varshon ke liye 21 janmon may aapka partner (saathi) banegi vah dwapar aur kaliyug may bhi 63 janmon ke liye aapka saathi banegi?


Question: What i want to know is that---does your 21 births partner (soul-mate) for 2500 years become your body-mate for 63 births in copper age and iron age-----and vice versa.


With regards,
On Godly service,

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:17 am    Post subject:

Dear Shivsena bhai and Peeu bhai,
Omshanti. Some more views and questions raised by you above which have not been covered in the Q&A received from Baba have been sent to Baba for his answers and will be intimated as soon as the same are received from him. This is for the information of PBKs.
With regards,
ON Godly service,

PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 3:56 am    Post subject:

Dear peeu.

Thanks for your views.

I had asked the same question to Baba wether he becomes a wife to some soul after copper age and he replied that ''Baba kissi ki sajni nahin banta"----meaning that he does not become a beloved to any soul after copper age---does it not mean indirectly that Baba never takes a female body and Baba becomes an exception to the rule which is only for the children----If at all he does become a wife to someone after copper age, then how can Ram's soul play a submissive part of a wife when he is not submissive to anyone in the shooting period-----this is what i am not able to understand.

ok om shanti---shivsena.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 9:13 am    Post subject:

arjuna wrote:
Question: What is the difference between Soul-mate & Body-mate.

Answer: Soul mate is one whom you love and with whom your sanskars also match.

Body mate is the one with whom you may be living in any kind of relationship (like husband and wife or any other relationship) without any similarity in sanskars, thoughts etc. Ever since the copper age souls have had many body mates without the similarities in sanskars. And this gave rise to the rising tensions in families and in society. ----- THOSE WHO ARE THE COMPANIONS OF A SOUL FOR MANY BIRTHS, WITH SIMILARITY OF RESOLVES, CAN ALSO BE PHYSICAL COMPANIONS.

Question: What i want to know is that---does your 21 births partner (soul-mate) for 2500 years become your body-mate for 63 births in copper age and iron age-----and vice versa.


Dear arjuna bhai.

Thanks for the answers.

My dillemma is that---If we can have our 21 births partner soul-mate as our body-mate from copper age onwards too---then i cannot understand one thing----for 21 births we are brother-sister and soul-conscious and no lustful feelings for each other----then how can we develop lust or physical attraction towards each other if we have maintained brother-sister relationship for 2500 years???????------and if during the shooting period of copper and iron age in sangamyug we have never met and interacted with our soul-mate of 21 births practically or thru' vibrations then how do we develop lustful feelings towards each other in the broad drama-----i am not able to reconcile to this fact.

ok om shanti---shivsena.

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