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The practice of drishti

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Joined: 08 Nov 2005
Posts: 84

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 2:19 pm    Post subject: The practice of drishti

What is the meaning of giving drishti ?

Where and what are you looking at/for ?

Can contacts/glasses get in the way ? (contacts will dry up whilst glasses reflect )

Can you give drishti to a blind man/someone wearing sunglasses ?

Is it difficult to give drishti if you have hayfever/ slight cold ?

Do you blink ?

Feel free to add other Qs to the idea of "drishti"

Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:52 am    Post subject: Re: The practice of drishti

bansy wrote:
What is the meaning of giving drishti ?

spiritual vision - the donation of spiritual power soul to soul via the third eye

Where and what are you looking at/for ?

the third eye of another soul, or several other souls, one after the other

Can contacts/glasses get in the way ? (contacts will dry up whilst glasses reflect )

no - but they can be offputting for the beginner...

Can you give drishti to a blind man/someone wearing sunglasses ?


Is it difficult to give drishti if you have hayfever/ slight cold ?

in theory no, but some may find being unwell makes it more difficult to achieve the required spiritual state, as the body keeps dragging at their attention.

Do you blink ?

yes - but not so often as when in normal consciousness

Joined: 08 Nov 2005
Posts: 84

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 2:30 pm    Post subject:

Dear Howiemac, Thanks for the explanation.

Joined: 08 Nov 2005
Posts: 84

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 10:34 am    Post subject:

But I'm still a confused.

Sure, giving spirital power to another is great act of charity.
Then would it be right just to simply sit facing each other and perform drishti, then never speak a word ? Can I really get/transmit spiritual power from another soul, or should I save that time and get it from the Supreme soul in yoga meditation ? I'm thinking more along the lines of when two souls suddenly stop in midair and perform drishti to/for each other. Or you could be an observer and watch this act being performed. It's seems to be an act of ego to show who has longer spiritual/staring/cool power.

On a similar sidenote, why does Raja Yoga expect the physical eyes to be open ? Your physical eyes cannot see the third eye of another. Is it because you can be aware of the surroundings whilst you meditate open-eyed, so that if and when destruction takes place, you can see it both physically as well as spiritually ?

Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 6:42 am    Post subject:

bansy wrote:
would it be right just to simply sit facing each other and perform drishti, then never speak a word ?
it would be a very lovely experience..

Can I really get/transmit spiritual power from another soul, or should I save that time and get it from the Supreme soul in yoga meditation?

Drishti is useful when a soul cannot acheive the direct connection with the Supreme by themselves: it can 'kickstart' a connection, or at least give an experience which might otherwise not be received. If you can connect direct every time then that is the best way to charge yourself up. But once you are charged up, you need to do something worthwhile with the spiritual energy you have - so you donate it to others through drishti....

I'm thinking more along the lines of when two souls suddenly stop in midair and perform drishti to/for each other. Or you could be an observer and watch this act being performed. It's seems to be an act of ego to show who has longer spiritual/staring/cool power.

I saw a great deal of this in my time with the BKs: people pretending (or trying) to give drishti, with great long stares and very little real power. Often people would "demand" drishti before handing you food. This is a power game, and these people are missing the point, and confusing (and scaring off) others with their charades. Drishti should be donated, not demanded. However, when the drishti IS working, especially in a two-way connection, the power can build up over time as you hold the connnection.

I believe that drishti is the primary way of communicating with each other in the Golden Age, and in the subtle regions. It seems only right to me that we should practice it with each other here.

why does Raja Yoga expect the physical eyes to be open ? Your physical eyes cannot see the third eye of another. Is it because you can be aware of the surroundings whilst you meditate open-eyed, so that if and when destruction takes place, you can see it both physically as well as spiritually ?

You are right, your eyes do not have to be open to connect with the supreme (or any other souls). The BKs teach you to keep your eyes open so that you can learn to stay in yoga whilst walking around and living your everyday life. The idea is to be in yoga constantly, which requires you to be able to stay focused in soul consciousness whilst reacting to the input of all your senses. "see without seeing", "hear without hearing": this means to be using all your physical senses to interact with the rest of the world, while not being influenced by the input from these senses. This is soul consciousness.

Mr Green

Joined: 08 Sep 2005
Posts: 41

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:36 pm    Post subject:

it is, i think, a very indian thing tied up in the ideas of darshan and such like, really it doesn't make sense and your right to be confused, well it is claimed the energy is non-physical so why the emphasis on facing each other.......bringing things down to a physical level again........daft if you ask me Laughing
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