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Destruction didn't take place in 1976
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Joined: 20 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:41 am    Post subject:

arjuna wrote:

Murli point dated 13.9.68: "Eight years are not less. Entire world will end."

Dear Arjuna,

Om shanti. This is not very good English - is this your translation or the official translation? Do you have the original Hindi?

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 4:52 am    Post subject:

arjuna wrote:
BKs...have completely changed or distorted the original pictures (to please the followers from the West) prepared during the time of Brahma Baba on the basis of divine visions

Dear Arjuna,

Om shanti. I agree on the need to preserve the murlis. I guess that BK HQ want to control what is available. Anyway why do you think that the reason that BK changed the pictures was to please the followers from the West?

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 11:26 pm    Post subject:

Only powerful souls would have the ability to adopt and adjust to the ways of others instead of trying to fiercely maintain the Indian culture and signs of the Indian culture that had been developed and changed from time to time since the Copper Age. What are the Confluence Aged children of God supposed to be doing? Shouldn't they be changing to only have the awareness of being the soul instead of arguing and fighting to maintain the Indian culture and the signs of Indian culture.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 2:09 am    Post subject:

I can remember Baba said to forget Indian culture because the children are Brahmin culture now.
What is forgotten, is that all sorts pictures were created to explain aspects of gyan to the children all over the world. Here the message to the children is more important than the picture. The pictures are instruments. The explanation with these pictures is equally important. If something is left out of the original picture, than this aspect can be explained to the souls on the basis of their ability to absorbe gyan. For souls of westren origine, the hindu pictures and emblemata are not clearly understandable. Most westren souls think that hindus worship a multitude of Gods and have never heared about polymorphic monotheism.

This forum seems to be dominated by PBK frustrations about the BK organisation. It seems that the same arguments are repeated over and over again in a lot of posts. Murli points are used as swords to fight and prove certain opinions. It seems as if a flock of theologists is having a groovy time here discussing the same points over and over. I miss the personal dharna in these posts. Raja Yoga should be easy, not complicated. If should be fun and bright. Raja Yoga should bring happyness and not the consiousnes of the dharmraj sword of Damocles dangeling above our heads on a hair
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:09 am    Post subject:

Dear Arjuna,

Thank you so much for your explanations and please accept my excuses for the word "frustrations" (about the BK organisation). I could understand that you might find this a bit blunt. There should hoevever be no irritation on my side, only understanding the role and place in the drama of occurring events. Maybe it is my role to seek for personal commitment and signs of dharna. This is why I want to ask you Arjuna: Are you happy? Do you feel Baba's love in your life? Do you always receive the strength, peace and wisdom?


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 2:05 am    Post subject:

Om Shanti !

Great Arjuna,

So very good it is to hear your personal drive with happyness, etc. Very Happy

It seems that we have a lot in common.

Bhajans, BK family, attention from teachers etc are not my main source of happyness either. I still visit BK centres and have contacts with BK's and attend the murli, but I would like to see myself more as a detached observer. I have contacts with souls of various religions and cherish the freedom of having a broad scope and do not limit myself in pure and only dwelling in BK circles. We have received all the instruments and treasures from Baba, so should not be afraid of/in any situation.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:18 pm    Post subject:

I was told about the 1976 time during a morning class (I think). It was discussed quite openly and I was told that it was like a point of no return in 1976 - the 'vibration of the world' took a downward turn then. Whatever that means!!

Om Shanti

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 2:19 am    Post subject: Destruction in 2006

Om Shanti,

Just recently I have heared from a sister that has been in Madhuban that this is the last year that double foreighners (DF)can come to Madhuban because destruction is at hand and this will take place in 2006. So it will be crouded with bharatnirvassis in 2006 and there will be no place for DF there. Also I heared that classes and lectures there are preparing BK's for destruction.

Does anyone know some more about this? In my centre I have heared nothing of a kind.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:22 am    Post subject:

That's quite a gambit - if destruction does come then we will know little of it and if destruction does not come then surely the majority of BKs will pack up and leave.


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 5:17 am    Post subject: Re: Destruction in 2006

Frank wrote:

Just recently I have heared from a sister that has been in Madhuban that this is the last year that double foreighners (DF)can come to Madhuban because destruction is at hand and this will take place in 2006. So it will be crouded with bharatnirvassis in 2006 and there will be no place for DF there. Also I heared that classes and lectures there are preparing BK's for destruction..

is this trickery to get as many DFs as possible to go there this season?... i believe many think they get karmic 'points' for every soul they successfully persuade to go there? Every year I was involved (2000 through 2004) people came back from Madhuban claiming that there was less than a year to go. Yet when I went (3 times) I never heard any such official line, other than the usual warnings from BapDada that have been going on for 40+ years...

Also - it doesn't ring true that they would exclude DFs, given the VIP treatment and respect that is always extended to DFs. Sounds like wishful gossip to me... i mean most BKs seem desperate for destruction (to end their misery/incarceration?)...

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:24 am    Post subject:

Destruction of what though?.....The BK world?.

Also I heared that classes and lectures there are preparing BK's for destruction.

How can they prepare anyone when they don't know anything about it

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:52 am    Post subject:

I have heard that during this BapDada season, it is really stretched. There have been accident with a DF in the past that has prompted all Bharatwassis to look after DFs and not let them out of their sight (pick up at airport, drop them here and there at DF's request,,....whether this is VIP treatment or not.....). There have been recent notices for travellers how to travel abroad, what to wear, show your badge, keep valuables, chain your luggage on trains, don't travel alone, etc etc. There have been requests for DFs to attend certain BapDada meeting dates, and reserve other dates for Bharatwassis.

I guess having any incident with a DF on your "own soil" will raise concerns. Though I've not heard about it being the last season where 2006 is the 70th anniversary.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:40 am    Post subject:

bansy wrote:
There have been accident with a DF in the past

yes - in April 2004 when I was in India, an Australian sister was murdered by a taxi driver taking her from Delhi airport to a centre...

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 7:16 pm    Post subject:


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:11 am    Post subject: Destruction date?


Any updates on the new destruction date “2006” from the BK/XBK news desk? Just in case as I hear some one close may be planning a trip there on the off season. If there is such a thing any more as an off season and are double foreigners welcomed?


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