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budha and bodisatwa

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 12:45 am    Post subject: budha and bodisatwa

dear xbk bk and pbks

omshanti. buddha was a great soul. budism proliferated in a civilised way. bodisatwa converted the chinease in a religious way.bodi satwa did not use gun or sword. bodisatwa was loving and he was karuna (compassionate soul).

mapple_leaf 123

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 12:13 pm    Post subject: Buddha --- buddhism

Dear mapple leaf.

Yes--buddha was a very great and a compassionate soul and was the Founding Father of the Buddhist religion---but true enlightenment comes only thru' Godly knowledge given by the Supreme soul Shiva at the end of the world cycle in the confluence age. At no point in time throughout the entire world-cycle can any soul be called enlightened in the true sense of the term.

The correct spelling is "Gandhi" and not "ghandi"----and please refer to our ''Father of the nation'' as "Gandhiji" as a mark of respect to that great preacher of 'Non-violence'------------all indians owe Him their independence.

ok om shanti---shivsena.
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