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Mystical Niches and Magical Moments

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Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 2:37 pm    Post subject: Mystical Niches and Magical Moments

It may be an extra special moment. It may be your presence in a special place. It may also be a combination of the two. Have you ever noticed that at a special moment and at a special place, you have an inspiring thought or psychic flash and moments later, the thought becomes real? The moments later may be decades, years, months, weeks or days.
I'll relate three of those experiences and then I would like to read of similar experiences of my brothers and sisters.
Serendipity manisfests itself in many shapes and forms.

It was the spring of 1969, in Georgetown, Guyana. During my lunch break, I visited the Central High School Book Store, the book store of my alma mater. I was always attracted to the books on yoga and the martial arts. This day, a Monday was special. The attraction to the sections on yoga and the martial arts is unusual and great. I am browsing through books on, Teach Yourself Yoga and Teach Yourself Karate. There is a wish in my mind. 'When I grow up I would love to become an expert in yoga and karate.' The wishful thought was followed by a vision, in which I could see myself practicing yoga at dawn and practicing karate on a lawn in the mornings. For two decades and a half, I had forgotten about those inspiring moments and regarded them only as the daydreaming of a teenage kid. From 1991 to 1994, I did research at Tulane University, where I also did postgraduate studies. I would practice karate on the lawns of the Aubobon Park in New Orleans. However, when I worked as a veterinary officer in Guyana, I would do the predawn meditation and later each morning I would have a karate work out on the lawn in my yard.

Here is another fascinating New Orleans experience. During the Christmas Holiday of 1984, myself and a BK sister were returning from a visit to the San Antonio Center to Atlanta, Georgia. We were driving and decided to stop and visit the Audobon Zoo which was next door to the uptown campus of Tulane University. A group was practicing Tai chi on the lawns of the Audobon Park. The Park has a serene atmsophere and that combined with the graceful Tai chi movements had a calming influence on me. At the time, I was completing an internship in companion animal and zoo medicine in Atlanta. There was also a slight feeling of regret on my mind. Sad I was accepted by Tulane University in the fall of 1984 to pursue graduate studies in Tropical Medicine and Public Health. I thought that I needed the clinical experience of the internship instead of four more years in school. It was choosing to become a specialist in Tropical Medicine or a zoo veterinarian. I opted for zoological medicine. I asked my self, "Why did I not follow up and go to Tulane?"
I continued my journey of pursuing a career in zoological medicine. The journey included my stint as a veterinary officer at the Georgetown Zoo.
In 1991, I was accepted by Tulane University to pursue graduate studies in environmental toxicology. I accepted and enjoyed three years of productive and enjoyable life. I met one of my soul mates who had a significant role in re-directing my spiritual life. Due to her, I gained insight into my past incarnations in the Middle East and Atlantis.

In 1996, due to my studies at Tulane, I had the chance for a one year of postgraduate fellowhip in London. Prior to departing for London, I was warned by my astrologer that there were bound to be many supernatural experiences during my stay. Towards the end of my studies, I attended a meeting at the Royal Society. During one of the session breaks, I took some time to study the portaits of some of the famous fellows of the RS. There were paintings of Sir Issaac Newton, Robert Hooke, Francis Bacon, etc. I was pulled to a specific painting of a specific scientist. I felt I had seen and/or met the person in the past. I tried to recall where I might have met the subject of the portrait. He wore glasses with a while head of hair and white beard. Though he was a scientist, he seemed to be a wizard or alchemist. I fact during the latter stages of his life he was a mystic. There was a flash in my mind! It was that dream! In the summer of 1967, while in elementray school and about to attend high school, I had a strange dream. I was in the presence of a group of illustrious men snd women of science. They all seem to be the folks whose portraits would grace a chemistry text book or history book. One of the scholars stood out. I was facing his portait in the Royal Society. That person was Sir William Crookes, the inventor of the Cathode Ray Tube and the discoverer of the element Thallium Exclamation
In 1986, there was a serious epidemic of Thallium poisoning in Guyana. My investigation of an outbreak of a similar nature, provided strong scientific data which influenced national policy. The dream of 1967 was significant with respect to Sir William and my scientific investigation at the Georgetown Zoo. Many lives were saved, animal and human.

These are some of my experiences of mystical niches and magical moments. How about your experiences? Smile
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 02 Nov 2005
Posts: 5
Location: Arizona

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 5:26 pm    Post subject: mystical niches and magical moments

I can't say that I've had these kind of experiences but I have had some deja-vu experiences. I see those as magical moments. Smile
"...all you need is love, love, love is all you need." ~The Beatles
  Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:34 pm    Post subject: Mystical Niches & Magical Moments


Indeed, your experiences of deja -vous, are magical and mystical.
They are very much connected to past and future sanskars, and also the cycle or Kalpa.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger
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