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How diet affects our lives

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 12:34 pm    Post subject: How diet affects our lives

Om shanti Bhai's!

Over the years when I was attending the Bk establishment I found it very interesting to see how many where complaining about all kinds of different ailments.

Many blaming past lives etc. as the cause.

Well when I stayed at times to eat I started to see the real problem and that was the food they where eating a mixture of all kinds of different foods. Not keeping it simple.

I refused to eat many times the preperation provided and of couse I was greeted with How dare I not accept this? like I was insulting them. Instead I knew that eating nuts with fruit was a definate no no for me.

Well there is a saying one Mans pleasure is another mans poison.

I know many that can eat wheat/dairy and those who have a strong intolerance to eating wheat/dairy this causing severe discomfort.

So inmho the many health problems being felt today are being also felt by there past food habits in this life and not necessarily past lives.

Take Care,

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:08 pm    Post subject: How Diet Affects Our Lives


You have hit the nail on the head.
The BKS can be the pioneers in a culinary revolution! Laughing
They can all prepare and consume chapatis or roti made with non-wheat flour! Wheat products have been documented to be the cuase of many chronic and acute ills in many individuals world wide. Roti prepared from rice flour is not as harmful. Milk is only useful to a nursing human baby. In some instances milk products can be consumed. Plant sources can provide more adequate quantities of calcium and nutrients than milk. Milk for post weaned infants and human adults has been documented to be a poison than a great food! Laughing
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 5:33 pm    Post subject:


You are right here some more interesting information on wheat etc.

Wheat- and dairy products contain opioid peptides influencing endorphin receptors in the brain. These peptides are physically addictive, causing dependence, asthma, obesity, apathy, ignorance and numbness. The same goes for beta-carbolines from prepared food.

To be sharp and investigative, you ought to consume neither dairy- nor wheat-products. You don't need those ‘foods’ at all

Opioid Peptides

Everybody knows that if one uses morphine, one is slow and apathetic. Simply because morphine is an opioid substance.

The only reason why we, and other animals, are sensitive to such substances, is because our body and brain contain receptors for opioid peptides. Why ?

When we have to flee from danger but are wounded, we have to be able to run away anyway. Therefore the body produces opioid peptides to ease the pain, when necessary. These opioid peptides are called endorphins. Marathon-runners know the action of these endorphins as 'runner’s high' ; it enables them to go on even when exhausted. Without the proper receptors, these endorphins (and anesthetics !!) don’t work.

Besides drugs and endorphins, opioid-receptors in the brain are susceptible to some other opioid substances: those that are absorbed through consuming food. This happens because far from all peptides are entirely decomposed into single amino acids in the digestive tract. (1) Also, most opioid peptides are hard to decompose. (2)

But why do some foods contain opioid peptides ?

And what foods ?

Milk is always, always mother's milk, meant for the suckling. We decided to consider mothers' milk from cows, goats, sheep, camels, or from whatever other animal as food for human beings, but by nature this, of course, it isn't true. Human-like beings have existed for 2 to 3 million years, and man did not start to drink mothers' milk from other animals until at the most 0.01 million years ago. For over 99% of our existence, we did not regard cow's milk as food for human beings.

Why do we so now ?

When humans migrated to areas where less fruits could be found, it was necessary to find other foods. Economically, it appeared to be more efficient to repeatedly take milk from the cattle than to slaughter them for meat. Where the least fruits could be found (Northern Europe), humans best adapted to consuming cow’s milk; colored people are far more allergic to cow’s milk-proteins and/or –lactose than white people.

But why does milk contain opioid peptides ?

From womb to breast milk
The human head is relatively big, and that's why human infants come out to the world too early ; in comparison to other primates gestation length should be 21 months instead of 9. But by then the baby's head would be far too big to pass the pelvis. That's why human infants actually aren't ready for the outside world; they can't even walk !!

Suckling is a compensation for being born too early. Through mother’s milk the baby receives all kind of messenger-substances. These messenger-substances stimulate development and functioning of different organs, including the brain. (see this site) Therefore, children that have been nursed are generally smarter than those that haven't. (see this site) And because mother’s milk is that important, it contains substances that have to make sure the baby wants to drink lots of milk all the time ;

Opioid peptides in Milk
Besides a non-opioid peptide stimulating appetite (3), milk by nature contains different opioid peptides, hidden in milk-proteins such as caseïn, lactalbumin, beta-lactaglobulin and lactoferrin.

Milk-opioid peptides are : beta-casomorphins (4) , alpha-caseïn exorphins, casoxins, beta-casorphins, alpha-lactorphins, beta-lactorphins and lactaferroxins. (5)

After having consumed a milk-product, it is digested in the digestive tract. Milk-proteins are decomposed by enzymes into normal peptides, opioid peptides and amino acids. To make sure the baby absorbs as much complete opioid peptides and growth factors, milk also contains substances (lactose, substance P) enhancing permeability of the intestinal mucus. (6) And to prevent the decomposition of the peptides, these peptides are relatively indigestible. (7)

These opioid peptides cause physical dependence in the young, to make sure it wants to drink lots of mother’s milk. Also, it makes the young sleep enough. (Cool Of course, these opioids can also cause constipation. (9)

Unfortunately, adult milk-consumers also absorb those opioid peptides.

Because food-manufacturers want us to be physically dependent to the food they sell, you can find milk- and wheat-proteins in lots of different food-products. Even some meat-products contain milk- and / or wheat-proteins.


Plants use different tactics to scare off attackers. Some plants contain poison, others just anaesthetize their attackers, like wheat does with opioid peptides.

Because wheat contains opioid peptides, priests in ancient Egypt used wheat to hallucinate, and in bandages, to ease the pain of a wound. All wheat-products, like bread, pasta, pizza, cookies, cake and pastries contain opioid peptides. The roman rulers already new that the people wouldn't rise against them as long as they were entertained and fed bread.

Opioid peptides in wheat-products
One single wheat-gluten protein-molecule contains 15 samples of one particular opioid peptide. (10) Wheat-gluten also contains a number of extremely powerful opioid peptides (11). Some of these molecules are even 100 times more powerful than a morphine-molecule. (12)

Opioid peptides in wheat-gluten are ;

Glycine-Tyrosine-Tyrosine-Proline (11)

Tyrosine-Glycine-Glycine-Tryptophane (11)

Tyrosine-Proline-Isoleucine-Serine-Leucine (11)

Tyrosine-Glycine-Glycine-Tryptophane-Leucine (13) ,which is the most powerful one.

Tyrosine-Glycine-Glycine- is also the sequence of the first three amino acids in endorphins ; opioid peptides produced by the body, influencing the same receptors in the brain.

Therefore, wheat-opioid peptides can 'sedate' the bowels so much that constipation is caused. (13) Because some wheat-opioids are extremely powerful, some schizophrenics can even be cured by not eating any wheat-products anymore. (14)

To compensate the analgesic effect of the opioid peptides, wheat-products very often contain rosemarin-extract, which is a powerful 'upper'.

Take Care,

Joined: 19 Apr 2004
Posts: 66

PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 8:37 pm    Post subject:

My friend and I were talking just the other day about wheat and milk products. Years ago it was rarley heard of for people to have intolerances to these products and yet nowadays everyone is moving away from them because they are realizing more and more that these are the cause of their bad heath, headaches, migraines, tummy aches etc.

I think it's rather stupid to blame past lives for the health problems of the body today. It's just a poor excuse for not doing anything about it.

How many brahmins have you met who've sat and complained about something and then brushed it off with 'oh well it's my karmic accounts being settled'

Rolling Eyes

A bit of a cop-out really and an excuse not to look at whether their actions in this body are really the cause.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:50 pm    Post subject:

OM shanti Sisiter!

You are right more and more is being revealed.

Remember one time many people use to smoke in airplanes.

Celiac problems are a real deal.

Most people do not know it exists.

Take Care

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 2:52 am    Post subject: How diets affect our lives?

There are many plant alternatives to milk, apart from soy milk. There are the milks from nuts such as almond. Goat milk has many therapeutic properties. Gary Null on his radio show today in NYC was reporting on a discovery that broccoli contains a chemical which prevents breast cancer in women.
However, all of our foods should be organically grown.


You indicated that there was an increase in the incidence of health problems with items such a wheat. GMOs are one of the contributing factors. In addition to generating more food allergies, the plasmids and other genetic materials from GMOs have been demonstrated to incorporate themselves into intestinal cells and transform the cells to premeoplastic and cancerous cells.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger
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