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Any sports fans?

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 3:30 pm    Post subject: Any sports fans?

Om shanti Bhais!

Any soccer players here?

Take Care,

Joined: 09 Jan 2005
Posts: 11
Location: uk

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:56 pm    Post subject: Re: Any sports fans?

papaya wrote:
Om shanti Bhais!

Any soccer players here?

Take Care,

not so much a fan, but I like to be involved directly. I play mostly raquet sports. This thursday I play in a squash tournament. But sure, I watch many sporting events. If I played soccer I would prefer 5/7 a side games. I swim, do circuit training, cycling, go for hill walks etc.
Maybe we could organise some sports for the future XBK v BK v PBK whatever.. Laughing
the universe... a hall of mirrors....reflecting, inner beauty..

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:22 pm    Post subject:


Raquet sports are fun and good luck with your playing with Baba you will have fun.

I also enjoy cycling and use to run alot now I walk more.

Yes, it would be fun to play together as a family.

I like soccer because it is a simple game and very inexpensive to play.

Take Care,

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:18 am    Post subject: Any Sports Fans?


I'm a soccer and cricket fan.
In the 90's I represented Tulane University twice at the All South Karate Competition. I enjoyed the Tulane martial arts experience. The best fighters in the US for the Japan Karate Association were from New Orleans. My sensie, Mr. Mikami was several times the All Japan Karate Champion. He would arrange karate camps in Biloxi, Mississippi and invite guest instructors who were experts from other Schools of martial arts. On one occasion, the guest instructor was Fumio Demamura, the Okinowan karate master who acted as a double for the teacher in The Karate Kid. Mr. Demamura also did the stunt role in the Island of Dr. Morrow. On another occasion the guest instructor was Tadashi Yamashita, a ninjustu expert who played one of the principal roles in the American Ninja.
In the late 90's I was a member of the University of London Karate Club. In those days the University of London was the number one karate club among British Universities.
In the late 90's I also took up Olympic fencing in NYC. Why not? NYC has a rich 200 year tradition of fencing. The tradition is not as long as fencing traditions of cities in Europe or Asia. However, many of the great fencing masters studied in Europe.
By serendipity, two of the best fencers in the country were also members of the school where I fenced and my coach was appointed the coach of the US Olympic Fencing team.
I studied and trained with the foil for more than five years and currently I fence only with the sabre. Each weapon suits a specific personality or spirit. There is a great fit between my spirit and the sabre. Also by serendipity, the school where I teach has a 30 year tradition of fencing and one of the saber and foil fencers representing the US in the 2004 Olympics were graduates of that school. I'm also a fencing coach at that school. I love fencing. It is a great game of human chess and requires lots of nano-second thinking.
In keeping with the spirit of Hanuman, I studied archery at Tuskegee.
I also love archery.
I'm sure that one of these days when I meet some BK top brass, they'll tell me that I wasted my time playing violent games or sports. Evil or Very Mad
They'll use my statements in this post against me. That's cool. Cool Laughing I'll tell them my interest in the martial arts and ways was due to the samurai and knight sanskars from incarnations as a warrior! Smile Cool
I would rather energize bushido (warrior) sanskars rather than have them bottled up.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 12:40 pm    Post subject:

Om shanti Bhai,

Yes, I participated in Martial Arts as well. I enjoyed it up until the point that organization I was involved with became more interested on how much to charge then teach.

It was a great a form of exercise.

I was also into body building which is kind of funny when I think about it mostly as a result of my time in the army.

Fencing never participated but my unlce was a Bronze medalist I believe in the Olympics.

Take Care,

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:52 pm    Post subject: Any Sports Fans


With respect to Budo, the Japanese martial arts, I have been lucky. I have always sought membership in traditional dojos or schools of martial arts. At Tulane, for example, I ensured that the karate club was part of the Japan Karate Association. While studying at the University of London, I joined the karate club which was connected to the Japan Karate Association (JKA). The JKA standards for karate training are gold standards, which other karate schools and organizations have incorporated. One such organization is WUKO, the World Union of Karate Do Organizations, the international body governing sport karate. A black belt from the JKA has to be trained and certified as an instructor, before he or she officially becomes a karate instructor.

I have applied the same philosophy of being a traditionalist in fencing.
The school in NYC where I studied fencing had a 75 year rich tradition of fencing. Many fencers love to use the modern stylish pistol grip handle on their foils. I prefer and will always use a French handle on my foils. I find that the pistol grip handle is ergonomically unnatural and limits finger movement and hand motion.

I dislike golf. I have never tried it and intend never to do so. I'd rather practice kyudo or kendo than a futile game of golf. Laughing

Where's the beef in golf, American football and basket ball or base ball?
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger
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